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Fellow workers


Examples of partnership

It’s an arrangement where we agree to cooperate with each other in order to advance our mutual interests.
Our mutual interest is building the kingdom of God through church planting. 

To engage with like-minded churches who want to build and be a part of a network of churches that work together to plant churches.

There is no end to the way that God can bring His saints together to partner for the Gospel. Just take a look at Romans 16, the passage of Scripture where ATI gets its theme verse: Fellow workers in Christ Jesus. But here are some examples of the way that God has worked.


Churches make up our most important partners. They are the instrument God has promised to use for the spread of the gospel, the building up of the saints, and the planting of churches. ATI comes alongside our partner churches to support this work, providing resources that local churches may not be able to provide on their own.


Individuals partner with ATI to mentor apprentices, teach in our seminars, pray for the work of ministry, and provide wisdom, guidance, and accountability. The individuals include donors, volunteers, friends, our mentors, and our Academic Board of Advisors. Other Christian organisations have also proven to be valuable partners for ATI. For example, they have assisted in the development and running of our apprenticeship program, and they have given assistance in the planting of churches.


Past, present and planned church plants

Since its founding in 2017, Aquila Initiative has assisted in the planting of two local churches. And we believe this is only the beginning of what God will do.

We want to help change the direction of church planting. We want to see churches - not organisations - training up leaders and sending them out to sustainably plant churches that engage with the culture and plant more healthy churches.


Click "see more" to to learn about some of our partner churches.


Info pack

To learn more about becoming a partner with ATI, check out our informational brochure.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us to explore ways we can partner for the spread of the Gospel and the planting of churches.

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